Monday, November 15, 2010

Pierce Mattie boost Emma Watson.

At Pierce Mattie PR we love Eco-fashion particularly when it's getting a new celebrity boost, this time from Harry Potter alum, Emma Watson. Fresh on the heels of her company with People Tree last summer for her "Love from Emma" collection and her endorsement of their "The Youth Collection" this fall, Watson is now partnering with Italian fashion designer, Alberta Ferretti, to launch a fair trade organic fashion line.

As our knowledge of sustainable fashion has evolved, we've learned that organic clothing doesn't necessarily equal utilizing fair trade practices. Fair trade: "The objective is not profit at any cost, but to help people in the world's most marginalized communities escape poverty and promote sustainability." After Watson's trip to Bangladesh, where she was able to see how Fair Trade works for scarcity stricten 3rd world communities, it's exciting to see that it continued to keep her inspired to develop her passion further.

The organic clothing line will launch just after Christmas and Watson has been quoted as saying this partnership with Ferretti will produce a fashion collection that is "very classic." Models talk Will reach…