Friday, December 23, 2011

How to Buy Mens Overcoat- Some Tips!

With winters in full swing, men too need to have proper winter clothing to protect themselves. A men's overcoat is the best winter clothing for those places which experience extreme cold. However, the right selection of mens overcoat can only ensure a warm protection. Lets get some tips on how to buy mens overcoat!

  • Length of mens overcoat can be found in two variations- full and three-fourth of full length. A full mens overcoat looks better on men, particularly older or taller men.
  • Younger men, however, look better in an overcoat with ¾ length. These types of mens overcoat can reach anywhere in the range of the wearer's knee and trousers' pockets.
  • There are basically two styles or designs in mens overcoats- single breasted coats and double breasted coats. Single breasted coats are the classic ones and can be worn without thinking about the fashion of the day!
  • The double breasted overcoats cater to the needs of young generation who want to wear trendy clothes.
  • Overcoats with belt should be preferred mostly by those men who are very slim.
  • The classic colors of overcoats for men include such colors as black, charcoal and navy blue and can be worn as formal wear too. However, young people can choose other trendy colors too but then they depend upon the seasonal demands and might not be worn after a couple of years.
  • Mens overcoats are generally made with wool and cashmere though other fabrics are not very uncommon. Cashmere overcoats are warmer and better looking but a little expensive than the wool overcoats. Those who can't afford to spend much on cashmere coats can always buy overcoats made of a blend of wool and cashmere!
  • When buying overcoat, men should try it by wearing over a sweater or jacket to get the perfect fit. When trying in this manner, the overcoat should feel comfortable and should not restrict the wearer's movement.
  • Enough and big pockets should be there in a men's overcoat. They give style and functionality to the garment.
  • Check for any lining defects like exposed linings, loose threads and loose buttons when buying a quality overcoat.
  • It is always better to buy classic designs and colors of overcoats because they cost a lot and one cannot buy them in every season. If more trendy overcoat is bought then it might lay closed in cupboard once the fashion becomes outdated.
  • If someone does not get satisfied while buying a ready made overcoat regarding its fit and comfort, it is always better to get a custom tailor made overcoat.

Know more about Mens Overcoat- the types, styles, colors and fabrics before you buy a mens overcoat. Read Mens Overcoat